Before you start using our site, we ask you to carefully read the Site Terms of Use. Users who visit this site are deemed to have accepted the following terms:

Our website is belonged and operated by the Turkish Triathlon Federation. Users are deemed to have accepted that they are becoming to subject to the following conditions while using all the services offered on the site. This contract imposes rights and obligations to the parties about the site which is subject of contract. When the parties accept this contract, they declare that they will fulfill the rights and obligations mentioned in full, correct, timely and within the conditions demanded in this contract.

1.  Trademarks and intellectual property rights

All rights of “” belongs to the Turkish Triathlon Federation. All contents (software, logos, trademarks, texts, images, etc.) activated on the web pages of this site are protected by national and international laws and international conventions. Site visitors acknowledge and undertake that they cannot partially or completely reproduce, copy, process, send online or by any other method of any content on the site. At the same time, it accepts and undertakes that it will not enter into direct and / or indirect competition with the Turkish Triathlon Federation through these actions and / or other means. The content on the site cannot be used elsewhere, in whole or in part, by adding or modifying it.

2. Changes in terms of use

The Triathlon Federation of Turkey reserves the right to make changes, additions and revisions in the terms of use subject to this text on without any reason and / or notice. By using these web pages, users accept that they are using the current version.

3. Links which will give to the third party sites and its sub-domains may give link to other sites directly or indirectly within the site. Users accept that the Turkish Triathlon Federation may not have any control over these links and is not responsible for possible disconnections. At the sime time, cannot be held responsible for any content such as text and images on the websites accessed via a link.

4. User Informations

There may be sections on the site where the requests and information forms to be filled out by the users. Users are responsible for all kinds of swearing, threats and disturbing words and illegal content they may write while filling these forms. Realization of such a situation, users are deemed to have accepted the legal sanction of the Turkish Triathlon Federation.

5. Rights and Obligations

All content on the site is periodically checked and revised if needed. The Turkish Triathlon Federation can make any changes on its pages at any time.

6. Force Majeure

Not under the control of the parties; If contractual obligations become processing by the parties due to reasons such as natural disasters, fire, explosions, civil wars, wars, riots, popular movements, declaration of mobilization, strikes, lockouts and epidemics, infrastructure and internet malfunctions, power outages, the parties are not responsible for this.  During this period, the rights and obligations of the parties arising from this contract are suspended.

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